Monday, February 3, 2025

NN/EPS Mentor Program

The overarching theme of this month’s meeting was perseverance. The focus was on equipping students with specific, actionable strategies they can use to overcome challenges, obstacles, and difficult times.

We aimed to accomplish this goal through a structured reflective writing activity. 
 Mentors engaged in this process by writing a letter to their mentee. In this letter, each mentor identified a personal challenge they have faced, described a time they experienced a similar hardship, and detailed the specific steps they took to persevere through it. This offered mentees a real-world example of resilience from a trusted adult. 
Simultaneously, mentees wrote letters to their younger selves. These letters focused on a challenge they anticipate facing as they get older. They explored how this challenge might hold them back, the feelings it might evoke, and, most importantly, the reasons why it's important to work through the challenge, as well as how they might go about doing so. 
We of course also did our team building activity and had time to leverage the power of play to reinforce our learning and build stronger connections.
Thank you to our mentors, mentees, and staff that make this very special program what it is!

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