Thursday, August 1, 2024

Getting Ready!

Here is the welcome back letter that was shared with all of our students. We couldn't be more excited for the year to come! 

The beginning of a new school year is a most special and magical time!  Each year this moment holds the power, potential, and possibility of bringing us together around the opportunity to do something truly extraordinary in service of kids and our community.  Like all school years, the year to come will be filled with challenges, as well as, happiness, lots of learning, and many special memories to be made along the way.  We look forward to partnering with and learning alongside you on this journey.  

Please know we value your voice and insight - we are here to serve and support.  Please reach out to any member of our team at any time if there is something that we can do to better meet the needs of your child(ren) and family.  We are committed to ensuring every child feels safe and valued, while also supporting and encouraging them to reach their highest potential.  These are not just words, but a vision we seek to define with concrete action on a daily basis.  Prioritizing care, relationships, and wellbeing in tandem with developing critical thinkers, scholars, and engaged citizens is at the heart of what we do.  Our team promises to do everything we can to make this the very best school year for your child(ren) and family.  We look forward to the adventure and journey!

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