Wednesday, November 3, 2021

11/10 EPS Vaccination Clinic Information


Dear East Prairie families,

We are excited to announce more details about our upcoming vaccine clinic with IDPH/IEMA for children ages 5-11.  The FDA & CDC approved Pfizer vaccine will be administered to students for families selecting to participate.  The first vaccine clinic will occur on Wednesday, November 10th, and the second on Wednesday, December 1st.  To participate, we need the attached permission form completely filled out and returned by Tuesday, November 9th to our main office or your child's teacher.  Here is a link to a translatable version of this message.

Here are some key points for families from the FDA and CDC:

- Effectiveness: Immune responses of children 5 through 11 years of age were comparable to those of individuals 16 through 25 years of age.  In addition, the vaccine was found to be 90.7% effective in preventing COVID-19 in children 5 through 11.

- Safety: The vaccine’s safety was studied in approximately 3,100 children ages 5 through 11 who received the vaccine and no serious side effects have been detected in the ongoing study.

- Students who are fully vaccinated and asymptomatic do not need to quarantine when a known exposure occurs.

Here is the tentative schedule for the vaccine clinic:

3rd grade: 9:00-9:30

5th grade: 9:30-10:00

Flex, individuals, & catch-up 10:00-10:45

4th grade: 10:45-11:15

6th grade: 11:15-11:45

Kindergarten: 11:45-12:30

1st grade 12:30-1:15 

2nd grade: 1:15-2:00

Individuals and make-ups 2:00-3:00

Though not required, we will allow one parent/guardian to accompany their child during their vaccination.  If you are unavailable during your teacher's assigned time but are able to come during a different 30 minute window between 9:00AM-3:00PM, please contact our main office at 847-673-1141 and we will call your child from class so you can join them.  Thank you for wearing a mask while in school.

If you are unable to join your child during the vaccine clinic, on the line that reads For 5 through 15-year-olds who will not be accompanied by their parent or legal guardian only please list the following: Your child's classroom teacher's name, Nurse Hannah Sahyouni, East Prairie Staff.  Knowing how scary needles are to children, we will do our very best to comfort them throughout the process.

The choice to participate in the COVID-19 vaccine clinic at East Prairie is fully that of the parent/guardian.  If you choose to participate please thoroughly complete the permission form and return it to school by Tuesday.  If you have questions, need translation or additional support, please contact us at or by phone, 847-673-1141.  Thank you for your consideration.

In partnership,

The East Prairie team

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