Monday, February 15, 2021

Remote Learning Snow Day - Part Two!

Given the frigidly cold temperatures and excessive snow, there will be no in-person school tomorrow -Tuesday, February 16th; rather, there will be remote learning for ALL students.  All in-person activities and appointments are cancelled as the school building will be closed.

For our in-person students, your child’s teacher will be reaching out with links to connect on Tuesday via your regular schedule (preK-5th grade in the morning; middle school in the afternoon).  For our remote students, schedules and links will remain the same.  All students will continue to be immersed in a full day of live streamed and asynchronous learning.  Please check-in with your child’s classroom teacher(s) through ClassDojo or Google Classroom.  All instruction and assignments will be shared through those resources as well. 

Stay warm, stay safe, stay inside!

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