Friday, July 10, 2020

Family survey, reopening principles & timeline

Dear East Prairie families,

As we approach the middle of July we wanted to reach out to gather your feedback on planning for this coming year, as well as, to gain more insight into the impact the pandemic has had on your family.  Our aim is ensure we fully meet the unique needs of each child and family, providing the highest quality of care and support.  Here is a link to our family survey.  Please share your insight with us by Wednesday, 7/15.  Your timely feedback will help to ensure our plans are responsive to the needs of our East Prairie community.

Our goal as a school is to be clear, transparent, and consistent in our communication with families.  We know there is a lot of misinformation when it comes to reopening schools, and we want to ensure clarity, understanding, and a genuine two-way dialogue for our families.  Accordingly, the following principles guide all of our planning and decision-making:

- Ensuring the health, safety, and wellness of children, adults, and our broader community.
- Partnering with families to guarantee the social, emotional, physical, and academic needs of ALL children are fully supported.  
- Collaboration with all stakeholders to assure our plans meet the unique needs of our East Prairie community.
- Ongoing flexibility, responsiveness, and grace so that our plans reflect best-practice, our very best thinking, and the needs of the moment.  This is ongoing and incremental work.
- Acting towards equity to ensure that all of our policies, programs, and practices affirm the unique strengths, diverse backgrounds and life experiences of our children, families, and community; delivering comprehensive opportunities for ALL to achieve and succeed.

As such, we will adhere to the joint Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) guidelines to the fullest extent possible.  We will continue to collaborate with health and governmental agencies to ensure our plans reflect best-practices and are grounded in science, reason, and evidence.  We strive to be the model for what high-quality and creative learning looks like, while ensuring the health and wellbeing of our community. 

Our current timeline is to continue collaborating throughout July with our teachers, families, board of education, and community to further develop our reopening and remote learning plans.  Our goal is to share a detailed plan with families at the end of July.  We will accompany the release of this plan with several family engagement opportunities (plan presentations, Q&As, etc.).  We will continue to communicate regularly and update you on any changes to this plan.

While hardship and uncertainty remain, we are confident in our ability to come together to serve our children and families.  Collaboration, determination, and candor will help lift us to new heights.  Thank you for your ongoing help and support as we rise to this immense challenge together!

In partnership,
The East Prairie Team

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