Friday, April 17, 2020

Thank you!

We want to recognize and thank all of the first responders and essential workers within our East Prairie community.  Thank you to our doctors, nurses, healthcare providers, caregivers, and emergency response personnel. Thank you to our law enforcement officers, fire fighters, EMTs, and public safety workers.  Thank you to those supporting the availability of food from farm to table, including every responsibility in between. Thank you to our custodial and maintenance crews on the very front lines. Thank you to our energy and electricity providers, as well as, waste and utility workers.  Thank you to our bus drivers, truck drivers, conductors, pilots, and movers of transportation. Thank you to those in public works, infrastructure, communications, and information support. Thank you to our government, community, and postal workers. Thank you to those who make and manufacture and those who deal with hazardous material.  Thank you to our commercial and financial workers. Thank you to teachers, educators, and childcare workers who have shown us all that schools truly teach. Thank you to those who venture out to volunteer and serve. Thank you to those who shelter in place to save lives. Thank you to each of you for your support, partnership, and unwavering commitment to our community!

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