Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Health update & information

Dear East Prairie families,

This week we have an elevated number of students out sick with flu or flu-like symptoms; nearly eighty students both Monday and Tuesday.  Given the current climate and heightened awareness, we wanted to reach out and ensure you that everyone within our school community has accurate and updated information.  

Students who were diagnosed with the flu should not return to school this week.  As a general reminder, students must be free of fever and vomiting for 24 hours without medication (unless they have the flu, in which case they should not be at school at all this week).  Thank you for your help ensuring these guidelines are met.

Additionally, Nurse Christina has worked with our staff to help ensure these healthy hygiene habits are encouraged, at home and at school:  

- Wash hands frequently in warm, soapy water for at least 20 seconds, THEN rinse and dry.  Use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Cover your cough or sneeze.  
- Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
- Don’t share food, drinks, utensils, or drinking containers.
- Eat a healthy diet and get plenty of rest.
- Stay home when sick, and avoid close contact with people who are sick.

Furthermore, we are building in times for students to wash their hands throughout the day.  In addition to these steps, our building maintenance and cleaning crew have begun more aggressive deep cleaning and disinfecting activities.

Common and high frequency areas of the school are being disinfected multiple times throughout the day.  This includes stairways, handrails, doors, knobs, tables, lockers, and drinking fountains throughout all three floors of the building.  We use a hospital grade disinfectant to ensure the learning environment is least habitable for germs. Clorox wipes have also been made accessible in the gyms and other high traffic areas.

As a school and district we are committed to ensuring a safe, clean, and healthy learning environment for all children and adults.  Our aim is to be as open, transparent, and communicative with our community as possible. Should you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to reach out.  Thank you for your diligence ensuring the health and wellbeing of our EPS community!

In partnership,

The East Prairie Team

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