We are grateful to our students, teachers, support staff, families, and community members. Over the past year we have accomplished so much together. Some highlights from 2022 include:
- expanding family events throughout the school year to provide more opportunities for our community to gather, connect, and learn together;
- extension of our parent volunteering program to bring over 40 parents into classrooms to help support children and teachers throughout the day;
- increase in our Parent Mentor Program partnership with the ELL Parent Center to involve more parents and families than ever before;
- strengthening our PTA to include new families and groups, as well as, record setting fundraising to support the goals, students, teachers, and families of the organization;
- shift to standards-based reporting and more timely feedback to students and families on learning;
- continually developing partnership with Niles North High School to provide our students expanded opportunities at school, and ensure a seamless and smooth transition to their high school experience;
- curriculum adoptions and professional development that ensure our instructional resources and practices are reflective of best practice;
- establishing a comprehensive, collaborative, and collective framework (RULER, plus other tools) to supporting the social, emotional, and behavioral needs of students;
- achieving all time high levels of student growth and achievement for the students we serve;
- transforming into a true professional learning community (PLC) where adults work and learn together to achieve better results for the students they serve;
- developing systems, structures, and supports that ensure every child is met where they are at and has a collaborative team working to guarantee their growth towards high expectations.
We look forward to further building upon this important and impactful work together in the year ahead!
The end of the year is always an excellent time for reflection (though most times generally are). On behalf of everyone who is privileged to serve your child(ren) and family, we want to extend a personal note of gratitude for how truly fortunate we are. East Prairie is a phenomenal community of kids, educators, and families!
We wish you and your family a wonderful winter break and a very happy New Year! We hope the coming weeks afford you the opportunity to enjoy extended time together with those you love and care most about. We are looking forward to 2023, and to the many successes, challenges, and celebrations that lie ahead, as well as, the memories to be made along the way!