Friday, October 28, 2022

Standards based grading

We are very excited to share our new standards-based report card with you.  This endeavor has been three years in the making and reflects not just a new look, but an entirely different approach to feedback for learning to ensure that every child achieves at high levels (grade level and beyond).  A standards-based report card gives a clear message to families about what their child knows and is able to do with the grade level standardsIt also clearly indicates what students still need to learn in order to master the end of year expectations.  Please note that all standards are written for what students will be able to do by the end of the year, so that a “developing” is to be expected for many students at this point in the year. 

Our first Grading & Assessment Learning Team meeting in December of 2019.

All of this work is based on our East Prairie Grading Philosophy created by a team of parents, teachers, and administration.  The purpose of this document is to clearly communicate key terms, ideas, and understandings with ALL members of our community.  Central to this philosophy is the idea that grades are: accurate, meaningful, consistent, and supportive of learning. 

Team building activity to underscore the importance of quality feedback.


Here are some family friendly resources to better understand standards-based grading and how we seek to provide meaningful feedback to children and families as part of this work:

As important a tool as a report card is for communicating a child’s progress in learning, it is the mindsets, values, and instructional practices behind standards-based reporting that truly make the difference.  A focus on each child and specific, personalized feedback to help them learn, grow, and improve is foundational to our partnership and collective efforts.

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Literacy adoption update

We are in our second school year utilizing Savvas’ myView/myPerspectives program as our curricular resource for teaching literacy, in alignment with our essential standards, for kindergarten through eighth grade.  Here is a brief video overviewing the experiences and impact throughout this first year of our literacy adoption.

Monday, October 17, 2022

Fall Fest!

 Thank you to the PTA for hosting a fabulous Fall Fest this weekend!  The event was an outstanding opportunity to bring our kids, families, and community all together.  In addition to having fun, we were able to collect and donate LOTS of supplies for recently arrived asylum seeking families in Skokie.

Thursday, October 13, 2022

Middle School "Marshmallow Challenge"

Today our entire middle school engaged in collaborative construction as they furiously worked together to build the tallest free standing structure that could support a marshmallow atop.  Provided 20 pieces of spaghetti, 3 feet of string, 3 feet of tape, one marshmallow, and only 18 minutes, I think the results speak for themselves...

We take team building and the opportunity to deepen connections between humans in our school extremely seriously.  The time to gather together, build community, and strengthen our relationships and communication with one another is precious.  Layer on the opportunity to discuss complex issues related to our school, students, and communities and its invaluable.

Though a simple (and fun) team building activity, the takeaways for teaching, learning, assessment, feedback, mindset, assumptions, equity, collaboration, and teamwork are limitless.  We have have a sensational group of young people in middle school and we continue to "build" upon the strong foundation of this year -together!

Friday, October 7, 2022

East Prairie leads

 Check out who helped the Illinois State Board of Education kick-off their brand new Learning Renewal recognition and share out.   

We take tremendous pride in the hard work and collaboration that has been invested in our journey to become a model Professional Learning Community (PLC).  As we have shared before, a PLC is an ongoing process in which educators work collaboratively in recurring cycles of collective inquiry and action research to achieve better results for the students they serve.  Professional learning communities operate under the assumption that the key to improved learning for students is continuous job-embedded learning for educators.  Here again is a brief video overview of what a PLC is and how these core principles are actualized within our school for every child, every day.

Thursday, October 6, 2022

We are EPS!


Here we are 566 students strong!  Working together "to value the uniqueness of all and ensure the highest levels of learning" for every kid, every day!

Sunday, October 2, 2022

It doesn't get better than our office staff!

 Thank you to Mrs. McMichael and Mrs. Mueller for being the best!

Their kindness, spirit, and heart help make our school community the very special place it is!